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Audeamus Training

Basic Wilderness Survival BSC01 One Day

Basic Wilderness Survival BSC01 One Day

Regular price $92.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $92.00 USD
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Basic Survival BSC01 1 Day

  • Basics of survival and cooking fires
  • Building primitive shelters and erecting tarp shelters to create micro-climates
  • Knots and Lashings
  • Building a 10’c survival pack
  • Preparing for rescue the first 72hrs
  • Signaling and communication
  • Identification of useful plants and trees
  • Understanding the rule of 3 what it means and its exceptions
  • Try sticks and use of survival cutting tools

This course is designed to be an introduction to survival. As a 1 day course, it will introduce the student to the key ideas behind identifying survival priorities and applying the rule of 3. Building and the use of a 10C pack to increase survivability in an emergency situation. The course will cover the use of and preparation of this pack to better be prepared for a 72hour emergency in the bush. This course will focus primarily on climates found in the boreal forest of Canada.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Great way to start your wilderness educational journey

Audeamus Training and RISE Survival Training teach a wonderful course on how to survive in the worst of situations. When you're lost on a hike and don't know what to do, now you will! From fire to shelter to food!

RISE Survival

At RISE Survival Training, we believe the single most important skillset you can possess is that which keeps your loved ones safe and secure. Our experienced cadre of first rate instructors are here to facilitate that training. RISE to the challenge!

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